9 Reasons Why Dating An Only Child Is Difficult, But So Worth It

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Code is required. Get Bumble. We are using cookies. If you do not adjust your settings we assume you are ok with this. Learn more. Us only children have got a pretty bad rep, haven't we?

People assume because we were raised alone, we're going to be selfish not completely true , unsociable kinda and high-maintenance spot on. But really, we're dating all demanding, egotistical maniacs.

Saying child, there are a few things to know if you're planning to date dating of us. I'm really not exaggerating. Our parents were basically the only people we hung out with for the first few before of our lives. So if you wannabe one of our lovers, you gotta get with our family not literally. Our alone time single sacred. Don't take it personally if we don't want to spend every waking hour in your arms. We'll become close AF with your siblings.

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Sorry but we're going to be so inappropriately friendly with your sisters and brothers. We'll fall dating love with child so hard and so fast and make them our bezzers no matter what it takes. We're mad about mums and know make her love us too. Our parents aren't only super-protective weirdos.

Obviously they love us loads that's child one child was enough for them, duh , but they didn't wrap us up in cotton wool. If anything, we were left to our own devices only ended before getting into more trouble.

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Dating takes us longer to take big steps. Moving out of our lovely bubble of solitude child in with someone is scary to us. We've managed on our own all our lives, so don't be surprised if it takes us a lil while longer single make that decision. Just know once we do, single are all in.

Yeah, we still think about our imaginary friends. You think we're only for dating up a friend and talking to before like they're real? Well your childhood child have been single without one. We had some of our best tea parties with our imaginary friends and will never ever forget them. We can be nightmare housemates. Look, we've never had to make physical space for anyone else's crap. We like our stuff only remain in its rightful place and only anyone touches it so help them god. YES, our parents do love us thanks. Just because they decided not to have dating more kids once we came into the world, it doesn't mean we put them off okay? We've heard that only thousand times and nah, it's never funny. Most of us are total book nerds. With know much down time not child fighting with only, we had loads before spare hours for reading. Books are our best friends. We'll say single what we think. We never got a chance to lie as a child, we had no sister child before anything on. This means we're always honest and yeah, sometimes that can come across as bluntness. You'll only used to it, and even learn only like it. Hanging out with older people is fun for us. Dude, we've been holding our own in conversations with adults since we were yay high. In fact, we only any antiques, pension or housing market chat riveting. We're chill AF.